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Colville Primary

Colville and Marlborough Federation

The governing bodies of Colville and Marlborough Primary Schools federated in July 2023.

Our Governing Body take an active interest in the life of our school and visit us regularly; when they do this, they 'quality assure' leaders' judgements and act as 'critical friends' that want the schools to be the very best they can be. The governing body has fifteen members, and the current members are as follows: 

Appointed by Kensington and Chelsea Local Authority

Sarah Sassoon: Chair of the Governing Body (click on the link for email)

Co-opted Governors 

Will Pascall: Vice Chair of the Governing Body, Chair of the General Purposes Committee

Susan Harris, Chair of Finance 

Itamar Rashkovsky: Chair of the Pay Committee

Jamila Robertson

Laurie Grandy 

Sally Keck 

Daniel Milne: Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee (Colville Primary)

Lynn Greenland: Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee (Marlborough Primary) 

Isobel VanBuuren

One vacancy will be filled based skills required by the board 

Parent Governors

Kate Jefferson

Nana Twumasi-Ankrah

Staff Governors 

Jagdeep Birdi: Executive Headteacher (Ex. Officio Governor)

Arianna McCallam

For further information regarding each governor’s responsibilities, their register of business interests and attendance at meetings please click here.

Instrument of Government

Governor Code of Conduct 

NB: The board was newly federated and constituted in July 2023. Governor attendance is reported once per year in retrospect.

Governor Attendance 

Governors data base (roles, responsibilities and declared interests) 

Financial Information 

Benchmarking - Click on this link to compare this school's finances with other schools.

Salary Finance statement: 

Please note: No individual is paid more than £100,000 from this school's budget. 

Minutes for the new board will be published once agreed: