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Colville Primary

Physical Education (PE) 

Just play. Have Fun. Enjoy the game – Michael Jordan

Our Intent 

Physical Education is essential for children's learning, health and wellbeing. Our PE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident and excel in a broad range of physical activities. This is with the aim of:

  • developing confidence and social skills
  • building coordination
  • increasing their concentration and learning      
  • developing their muscles and bones strength
  • positively impacting on their health and fitness
  • support mental health and well being
  • understanding human physiology    


Our PE curriculum is diverse and offers a range of sports. We have designed a curriculum map that helps children build on previously taught topics whilst introducing new activities.  In addition to this, children are given the opportunity to participate and represent the school throughout a range of sporting competitions including Football, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Handball, Netball, Eaton Fives and Basketball. Our teams have also represented Kensington and Chelsea in the All London Finals for Football, Golf, Basketball and Gaelic Football. 

In Early Years we make our lessons fun and engaging.  We work on coordination, motor skills and collaborative work.  Within these lessons we will focus on throwing catching, kicking, running, jumping, balance and agility. Safety and spatial awareness are other aspects of the lessons, allowing the children the essential time to explore and realise their own movement pattern and early potential

In KS1 we start to build on our previous learning from Early Years and start to work with partners and in teams. At this point we begin to focus on skills which will allow children to access the KS2 curriculum where they apply the skills to particular sports.   

As the children progress into KS2, they take part in a wide range of sporting activities, from individual sports to competitive team games. We continue to develop sport skills through team games and competition within their PE lessons. Our focus on understanding rules and respecting our opponents helps to develop good sportpersonship. At this level the children are introduced to the significance of good nutrition and the benefit a healthy diet which ties in with our Healthy Schools commitment and our Science curriculum. In Years 4 children take part in swimming lessons each week for a term.

PE Curriculum Overview  


Children leave school having a love of sport and physical activity both in and out of school, with this continuing into later life. Children will have worked on their own aspirations in relation to PE and this will be carried on after leaving KS2, with children continuing to participate for enjoyment or competitively.   

All children should be able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this is achieved as well as developed skills that underpin life such as teamwork, sportsmanship, self-motivation, resilience and independence.

As a result, across the school we have high engagement and enthusiasm for PE and sport. . They are active at lunchtimes and playtimes, choosing to participate in games. At a competitive level. our school is well represented and perfoms well in games and competitions, as children have built upon earlier skills they were taught.