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Colville Primary

Absence and Lateness

School Times

Our gates open at 8.40am. Children are expected to be in their classrooms ready to learn by 8.50am. Children arriving after 8.50am are considered late. 

Absences Due to Illness and Appointments

If your child is absent either due to illness or an appointment, please email or telephone the office on 020 7229 6540 stating the reason for their absence. 

We also ask for evidence of any appointments that mean your child will miss school. Please send a copy through to the above link. Thank you.

Nursery to Year 6

Good attendance is directly linked to a child's achievement at school. Children must only be absent from school if they are ill. 

Appointments with doctors, dentists or at a hospital should be made outside school hours or in the holidays. Where this is not possible, the details of the appointment including any letters must be brought into the School Office or emailed to Colville Attendance the day before or earlier so that the register can be marked accordingly.

If parents and carers do not provide a reason for the absence it remains unauthorised.

If a child’s attendance is below 93% in any academic year, the Family Welfare Leader will contact the parents or carers. The school may refer to Early Help for support with the family's consent.

If a child’s attendance is below 90% in any academic year, the Head of School will contact the parents or carers. The school will refer to Early Help as this is a statutory duty. If a family chooses not to engage the service may escalate involvement to Family and Children's Services.

Punctuality (Lateness)

It is very important that your child has the right start to their day. Children who arrive late miss learning time, starting the day with an unsettled routine. This may also cause them to miss important instructions or explanations. 

Learning time starts at 8.50am. Please ensure that your child is in school on time, arriving between 8.40am and 8.49am. Parents and children who arrive late will meet with a senior teacher and discuss their reason for lateness which is also recorderd. 

Children who arrive after 9.05am are recorded in our register as an unauthorised absence. 

Exceptional Leave

 If your child is unable to attend school due to an exceptional or unforeseen circumstance, please complete an 'exceptional leave form' well in advance of the requested day/s of absence. Please return the completed form to the office for the attention of Lydia Arenas or via email to Depending on the nature of your request, you may be invited to attend an exceptional leave meeting with the Family Welfare Leader and the Head of School or Executive Headteacher. You will be notified of the outcome of your request in person or by email. 

Please be mindful that a holiday during term time is not an exceptional circumstance.

Excptional Leave Form