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Colville Primary


Welcome to Reception, our Orange Classes!

We have two Reception classes at Colville. Our children love to learn and it shows in everything that they do. The children have access to and are taught all areas of learning through the EYFS curriculum. Our curriculum is made up of small group adult led learning alongside providing engaging experiences that promote independent learning. In Reception we continue learning phonics using 'Essential Letters and Sounds'. As part of our quality provision, the  children are taught by specialist teachers in Art and Design, Computing, Physical Development and Music.

We believe in promoting positive relationships with our children and each other. We focus on supporting our children to develop a Growth Mindset which helps them to overcome any obstacles. 

Curriculum Overview


Our Learning Journey

Reception Summer 1 Part 1

Reception Summer 1 Part 2

 Rhyme Time

Rhyme Time Autumn 1

Rhyme Time Autumn 2

Rhyme Time Spring 1

Rhyme Time Spring 2

Workshops for Parents

Reading Workshop    

Maths Workshop     

Phonics Workshop

Growth Mindset Workshop