Curriculum Overview
At Colville Primary our curriculum is rich, broad and balanced. We follow the expectations of the National Curriculum but go beyond in our teaching. Our four key values and the British Values are woven across our curriculum. We aim to help our children succeed and feel positive about themselves, so they may contribute to society as educated, happy and well-balanced young people. We believe that 'happy children learn well'.
In some subjects the children use 'knowledge organisers' which are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work. These are uploaded for parents and children to see and use on Google Classroom. They are also printed out as a resource for children to use in their lessons.
In writing lessons, children use 'writing toolkits' that contain information and prompts that the children need to be successful writers. These are also uploaded on Google Classroom and printed off for children to use in class.
To the right of this page you will be able to see our details of each subject as well as the overview of the subject, showing units taught in each year group.
Specialist Teachers
Pupils are taught Computing, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, and PE (Years 1 to 6) by specialist teachers.
We also ollaborate with many prominent arts organisations including the Royal Albert Hall, and the Royal College of Music. This allows our children to work with professional storytellers, dancers, artists, writers, dramatists and musicians.